Friends of LORDS
The Friends of LORDS objective is to promote the wellbeing of the School through building engagement and collaboration between the parents and families of students in the following ways:
- to encourage participation and create a sense of community amongst parents and families by providing a variety of social functions e.g. Trivia Nights, Carnivals, Christmas Markets;
- to raise funds to allow the school to purchase equipment and to fund special projects not covered by its normal budget e.g. sport gazebos, playground equipment;
- to represent parents by engaging in respectful cooperation, collaboration, and communication with LORDS, the LORDS School Council, the Principal, and their delegates.
Friends of LORDS meet every month to discuss ideas, activities, and general business.
Offers of assistance are always warmly accepted by the committee in any capacity. Any help, no matter how big or small is always accepted and appreciated.
Please contact the FOLS by email:
FOLS needs your support. There's so many reasons to join FOLS.....
"... the many great friendships I have made, the wonderful feeling you get watching the students enjoying the events we run..."
"...put simply, I do it for my kids."
"...The response of the kids is the greatest reward for the time you put in."
"...It’s so important that communities have a voice and you can only do that if you have an organised group."
"...It’s great to be part of that progressive education movement... you can see that you’re making progress."
Do any of those reasons speak to you? FOLS would love to see you at a meeting.

The 2025 Friends of LORDS (FOLS) Committee is:
President: Stephanie Galvin
Vice- President: Robyn Cosgrove
Secretary: Katherine Hartley
Treasurer: Lori Coleman
Business Liaison: Timothy Kelk