Information Technology
ICT Co-ordinators Welcome
Welcome to LORDS! Our ICT Department consists of 2 specialist ICT coordinators and are onsite from 7am through to 4pm. Our brand-new, state-of-the-art ICT facility to support both teachers and students is located on Level 1 of the Administration/Learning Hub building, located at the end of the ring road on our campus.
Here at LORDS, we are committed and dedicated to providing IT equipment and facilities from the 21st century. Our state-of-the-art classrooms incorporate the very latest in Wi-Fi technology for all teachers and students to access, the latest in smart technologies such as interactive panels and whiteboards, and nearly all classrooms incorporate Apple TVs to allow both teachers and students to project wirelessly from any device to allow screen sharing and collaboration with the class.
Our buildings are interlinked across the site and form part of a large-scale ICT environment encompassing the latest technologies and connections to enhance and fully support your child’s digital needs in the classroom.
At LORDS, we have a mix of end-user technologies across the school which include:
iPads for Prep-Year 3
Laptop Trolley sets from Prep-Year 3
Laptop Trolley sets for Year 4-6
BYOD Device Program for Year 6-12

Our ICT Department supports around 1000 users simultaneously and around 750 devices on the network daily.
If you are looking for help, feel free to browse our ‘Quick Links’ & ‘Helpful Hints’ pages to see if we can help you there.
We welcome you to visit the LORDS ICT Department at any time to ask as many questions as you need and always encourage you to bring ideas and innovations you want to see on campus!