Stories play an important part in our lives. They give us a touchstone for where our humanity can connect. Stories allow us to understand ourselves and others.
Even more powerful for us is that we have God’s Story at the centre of our community. Ultimately we know that God’s story is one of love. Love for the world. Love for His people.God’s story, LORDS Story, and the Story of each member of our community are connected and woven together. Our school bible verse is from Romans 14:8 ‘ We are the Lord’s’. It firmly reminds us of not only who we are, but whose we are…the Lord’s. That is the basis of our story. Because we are the Lord’s we are known and accepted in all of our goodness and imperfections. What a gift to know we are accepted just as we are.

- This year we will be praying for families in our community and their needs: Collard, Collins, Condello, Conway, Cook, Cooke
- For energy, persistence, and focus to finish the term strongly
- For the great co-curricular opportunities we have to grow our young people
- Give thanks for God’s story of love for us