Today is World Staff Day. We give thanks to all staff (teaching and non-teaching) who make a difference in the lives of our students. Let’s pray for the staff of LORDS.
God of Love, thank you for every teacher and staff member who notices a child and their gifts. Thank you for staff who are listeners and gentle guides.We give thanks for all our staff and for the many and varied ways they serve our community, each other and our students.
We pray that you continue to guide and uphold the staff of LORDS.
We pray these things in the name of our great teacher, Jesus Christ. Amen.

What do we stand for?
Over ten years ago I was fortunate enough to attend a Summer School in Germany. I was blessed to spend some amazing time with twenty-eight people from twenty-four countries around the world. We were exploring the theme of religion and development. During this time we also had the opportunity to visit sites in Germany where Martin Luther (reformer of the Church) lived and worked.
Martin Luther had the courage to stand up for what he believed in and nailed his 95 theses to a church door for all to see. At the time (over 500 years ago) the Church suggested that you could pay for your sins (with indulgences) and therefore get into heaven.
To Martin Luther, this didn’t sound like the God he knew. He referred back to the scriptures which clearly stated that we are saved by faith through grace. Not by what we have done, but by what God has already done for us.
Many of the people I met in Germany from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the South Pacific regularly have to stand up for what they believe in their communities for a range of reasons including land rights, civil wars, HIV Aids, poverty and food security issues.
My question to you is, “What would you be willing to stand up for?” If you could nail to the door five beliefs or ideas that are important to you for everyone to see, what would they be?

As Martin Luther once said,
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

- This year we will be praying for families in our community and their needs: Dhaliwal, Dhaunchak, Diaz, Dickson, Dixon, Douglass
- For our Year 12 students as they undertake their exams
- Give thanks for the staff and community at LORDS
- For the energy, passion, and enthusiasm to see us through until the end of the year
- For students and family who are experiencing health concerns – we pray for healing and strength